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SOLVIA-POST Display of Results

Analysis of Spherical Dome under Self Weight
Spherical Stress Components

The SOLVIA-POST database can be loaded with results from either SOLVIA or SOLVIA-TEMP. The element and nodal results can be displayed, listed and scanned with components referenced to a user-selected coordinate system. A number of capabilities are available:

Original and Deformed Shapes
A specified part of the model can be plotted in the original shape and/or in the deformed shape. Contour and vector plotting can be included in the same plot.

Contours can be plotted of:

  • effective stresses and strains,
  • principal stresses and strains,
  • components of stresses and strains,
  • temperatures and heat fluxes,
  • section forces/moments,
  • principal forces/moments,
  • oil film pressure, power loss and thickness,
  • active and reactive power flow,
  • strain energy density,
  • dissipated power density,
  • principal stretches,
  • displacements, velocities, accelerations,
  • out-of-balance forces/moments,
  • stress deviations over element boundaries,
  • concrete cracks and other specific results,
  • fluid pressures.

Vector Plots can be made of:

  • displacements, velocities, accelerations,
  • loads, reactions, contact forces,
  • principal stresses and strains,
  • principal forces/moments,
  • principal stretches,
  • concrete crack normals,
  • heat fluxes, boundary nodal heat flow,
  • active and reactive power flow,
  • fluid velocities.

Time History Plots
The time history of selected nodal and element variables can be displayed.

Line Plotting
Variation of a nodal/element variable along a specified nodal/element line.

One nodal or element variable as a function of another nodal or element variable can be plotted.

Response Spectrum Method
Modal combination of results can be made using SRSS, ABS, TENPERCENT, DOUBLESUM, ALGEBRAIC and CQC methods.

Nodal Response Spectra
Response spectra can be calculated based on the acceleration response in selected nodal directions. The spectra may be broadened. Selected spectra may be used to form an envelope spectrum.

Ground excitation of a beam structure

Harmonic Response
Amplitude and phase response over a frequency interval may be calculated based on mode shapes. The harmonic load amplitude can be a function of frequency.

Complex Harmonic Response
The response calculated in SOLVIA can be displayed as amplitude and phase. The real and imaginary nodal and element response components can be displayed separately.

Listing and Searching
Selected nodal and element responses can be listed and searched for extreme values. Frequencies, buckling loads, mass properties of the model and achieved tolerances can also be listed.

Loads, reactions, contact forces, oil film pressure and inlet/outlet flow, strain energy, dissipated power and boundary heat flow can be summed over a selected part of the model.

Case Combinations
Results at different solution times can be combined. In addition, case combinations can be formed as a result of a search over specified solutions for maxima, minima, absolute maxima and ranges of variation. Combinations can also be conditional based on the value of a selected nodal or element result variable. For example, only load cases with a positive moment at a selected point can be specified to be added to the case combination. The display, list and search options are available also to created case combinations.

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